His name was Hansen, a common name in Norway 他的名字叫汉森,在挪威是一个常见的名字。
At a minimum, enter a key label and a common name. 至少要输入一个keylabel和一个commonname。
This is where the chain of trust and the common name on a certificate can prevent this from occurring. 在这种情况中,信任链和证书中的通用名可以防止中间人攻击的发生。
Enter the fully qualified host name for the Common name. 对Common名输入完全限定的主机名。
The certificate's "name" is actually the Common Name field on the certificate. 证书的“名字”实际上是证书中的CommonName字段。
Here the MITM attack is not defeated by checking the common name. 此时只通过检查通用名并不能避免MITM攻击的发生。
Using the standard C string functions or your favorite string library, compare the common name and the host name. 使用标准的C字符串函数或您习惯使用的字符串库对通用名和主机名进行比较。
Specifies the common name of the certificate to add, delete, or save. 指定要添加、删除或保存的证书的公共名。
Certificates identify a particular computer, the name of which resides in the common name of the certificate. 证书标识特定的计算机,该计算机的名称位于证书的公用名称中。
Retrieves the defunct property that has the specified common name. 检索具有指定公用名的失去作用的属性。
Store, the second command identifies the first certificate using its common name. 存储区中存在多个证书,所以第二个命令使用公用名称来标识第一个证书。
Enter the common name of the succulent. 输入该多汁植物的通用名。
Inevitably, if like me you have a common name, some of these references will be to people who share it. 不可避免的是,如果你像我一样,有个很平常的名字,其中一些会是和你同名的那些人的参考资料。
Use the common name of the server that you want to specify. 请使用要指定服务器的公用名。
If the common name on the server certificate is verified along with the rest of the certificate, the attack is defeated, right? 如果服务器证书中的通用名是与证书的其余部分一起验证的,那么这种攻击就不攻自破了,对么?
Smith is a common name in England. 在英国有很多人的名字都叫史密斯。
Is a common name in the west. 在西方,玛丽是一个很常见的名字。
Enter the common name of the groundcover. 输入该地被植物的通用名。
They have a common name is hepatitis B virus carriers. 他们有一个共同的名字&乙肝病毒携带者。
Google is actually the common name for a number with a million zeros. 谷歌实际上是一个通用的数字名称,代表有一百万个零的数字。
They have a common name& Reading Fairy. 他们有着一个共同的名字&读书仙童。
Enter the common name of the cactus. 输入该仙人掌类植物的通用名。
If you have a fairly common name, add your middle name or initial, company, industry, hometown and college. 如果你姓名很普通,加上你的中间名或字首、公司、企业、家乡和学校。
Enter the common name of the grass. 输入这种草的通用名。
I finally remembered that my neighbor was called Jessica, a perfectly common name. 我最终想起来坐我旁边的女孩叫杰西卡,一个相当普通的名字。
In spite of its common name, the peanut or groundnut is also a legume rather than a nut. 尽管其共同的名称,花生或花生也是一种豆科植物,而不是螺母。
This is Mohammed, a common name, a good friend and a wise man. 这就是穆罕默德,平凡的名字,不平凡的人。
Crown rust is the common name both of a serious leaf-rust disease of oats and of the causal agent. 冠锈病是燕麦的一种严重的叶锈病和病原菌。
Specifies the common name of the certificate. 指定证书的公共名。
Your web site's common name is its fully qualified domain name. 站点公用名称是其完全合格的域名。